Sheffield – The Legacy of Empire

7 March 2024 , categories: Empire, Meetings, Sheffield, Slavery

We had a great discussion on the effects of empire on the population’s attitude to race; whether imperial Britain did any good in the world, or was it all bad; what did empire do to British culture – was it just about enslavement, tea and sugar?

We also discussed what the ‘decolonisation’ of our minds and institutions means in practice. Also, do we sufficiently discuss empire comparatively in relation to slavery’s long human history?

We are growing!

We are expanding our activities via regional Politics in Pubs groups and have created a map where you can search for a group near you. If you live near Salisbury or Northampton we have members who wants to start new groups in those towns, so please let us know if this of interest.

Don’t worry if you can’t find anything nearby as you can start your own group. If you would like to be put in touch with other people interested in talking about politics, please reply to this email letting us know your location and we’ll help to get the conversation started.

We have also started to grow our network with other free speech groups who have a similar interest in open discussion and debate. If you have such a group and want to appear on our map please get in touch.