Politics in Pubs – Sheffield

23 May 2023

We meet in the snug (behind the bar) at The Red Lion, 109 Charles St, Sheffield, S1 2ND on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm.

Exposed Magazine described the Red Lion as:

Welcoming and homely, The Red Lion is a gem of a boozer that offers an ode to days gone by whilst all around changes. Fantastic staff and service add to its charm and, when it comes to great drinks and pub grub done properly, you simply can’t fault them.

The meetings are free to attend and everyone is welcome to join. Email us beforehand to check that the meeting has not been cancelled.

Key topics we cover

We tend to keep our discussions rooted in the area, local, if you will.  This doesn’t mean avoiding national or global issues but it does mean we try to look at them through the local Sheffield lens.

Topic one – What is happening to our city centre?

The socioeconomic model the Council is promoting based on third level studies, UK and international students and the accommodation and wider infrastructure this sustains (or exploits).

How viable is the student economy? Is it a Ponzi scheme?

The effect of students on the local population, how well if at all is there integration between groups of students from other nations and between students of whatever origin and the local population?

Are students being exploited?  Who is actually gaining?

Topic two – South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) or ‘Greater Sheffield’?

The political structure of South Yorkshire.

Does more local democracy mean more democracy or doe it just isolate us from where the real decisions are made and insulate decision makers?  The impact of subsidiarity.  Where does power reside in our region?

Topic three – What sort of multicultural society do we want to live in?

Of course, this presumes ‘we’ want to live in a multicultural society. How long has Sheffield been multicultural?  How has that influenced the development of Sheffield.

Topic four – Why is academic freedom so special?

This might be an opportunity to link in with Academic for Academic Freedom in Sheffield.  We hear a lot about academic freedom.  While we hope academic freedom is generally accepted as ‘a good thing’ what exactly is it?  Should these freedoms actually belong to everyone in their workplace /community?  What constraints might society impose on these freedoms?

What are we missing?

Think we need to cover other topics and issues? Come along to one of our meetings and tell us what you think. Help us to shape politics in Sheffield.