Partnering with Us
There are a growing number of groups promoting free speech and open debate. If you are involved in such a group why not partner with us? If you are happy to promote our website on your own website and via social media then we will be happy to reciprocate by including you on our free speech group map and potentially collaborating via meetings and articles.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please email us at and let us know about your group. You will need to show us that your group aligns with our objectives and ideals which can be found on our About page.
If it looks like we are a good fit we will ask you to add the following text (including links) and image to your web page in a prominent position with a link back to us like this:
We Support Politics in Pubs
As enthusiastic advocates of free speech and open debate we are happy to support Politics in Pubs. This is a growing network of local groups who meet up every month to talk about politics. Like us, they value the freedom to question and to speak openly, want to play a part in the development of Britain and believe that the current political system is broken. We are a member of their network so if you don’t live in our area you may be able to find a similar group near to you. Have a look on their map to see if there is one in your area but if not why not start your own group? You only need a few people to get started and Politics in Pubs will help you promote it. If you already have your own free speech group why not join the network? It’s completely free!
Once this is live we will add you to our map. You will need to provide us with the following details:
as text, e.g. London
latitude and longitude (take from google maps, or simply provide us with an exact address)
Contact email:
Social media handles:
Description: Say who you are, where and when you meet, why people would want to attend, etc
Image: A landscape image in png or jpeg format. No more than 500kb. By providing to us you and grant us permission to use royalty free, without constraint.