How can Britain become self-sufficient?
We agree that dependency on other nations for goods, services, utilities, etc, is dangerous and needs to be addressed.
On the 8th June 2022, we discussed the issue of national self-sufficiency. There was general agreement that dependency upon other nations for goods, services, utilities, essential infrastructure, and security increases the UK’s vulnerability, and that a greater degree of self-sufficiency is desirable. The following issues were raised:
Why is the Government working against self-sufficiency by encouraging food-producing farmers to retire, and why is it using farm land for Net Zero projects like re-forestation, and solar panels? Why have we forgotten the hardship of food rationing during times of conflict caused by over-reliance on imports?
Are banks helping or hindering self-sufficiency e.g. are they providing enough start-up funding to support British SMEs and entrepreneurialism?
Do we still possess the right characteristics to achieve self-sufficiency? For example, are we, as a nation, business-minded enough? Do we have sufficient project-management skills and centres of expertise? Why is the British productivity rate allegedly lower than that of other countries?
Are the British people too reliant upon Government in too many ways (i.e. learned helplessness, powerlessness, expecting too much from politicians and the Nanny state)?
Are the welfare policies of successive governments encouraging generational worklessness and undermining the nation’s work ethic? Should Britain adopt the National Insurance model of countries like Spain, where services paid for with N.I. are only available to those who have paid into the system?
What role has KYOTO played in encouraging national dependence upon imports?
Why has ownership of so much of our essential infrastructure and utilities been sold off to other countries?
Why is it difficult for consumers to locate and support British made goods and services when we know they are out there? See the Make it British website:
The industrial revolution was a time of terrific hardship and poor working conditions, but also a time of great achievement, invention and entrepreneurialism. British manufactured goods were plentiful and often of renowned quality. Could we achieve this level of self-sufficiency and export of goods again?
After decades of outsourcing manufacturing work to other countries, some companies are re-shoring these operations back to their UK bases, to overcome quality and supply chain issues. Hear positive news about these businesses on the Great British Manufacturing podcasts: